• Harun Farocki - Still From Comparison via a Third, 2007
  • Harun Farocki - Still From Comparison via a Third, 2007

Harun Farocki - Still From Comparison via a Third, 2007

"Comparison via a third party" is a film by Harun Farocki that explores the concept of work using the example of brick manufacturing. The film showcases working procedures in different societies, ranging from traditional to newly industrializing and highly industrialized. It features footage of a woman worker in India, along with scenes of brick production in Mumbai, Nimbut, and Pune. The film also contrasts these processes with images of industrialized Europe, creating a juxtaposition between different methods of work. Through various constellations, the film connects and relates the subsequent work steps in these different locations and societies, highlighting the evolving nature of labor.

8.3 x 5.9 inches
21 x 15 centimeters 

Harun Farocki was a renowned German filmmaker known for his influential documentaries and essay films. His career spanned over five decades, during which he delved into diverse topics such as war, labor, consumerism, and media manipulation. Farocki's films were characterized by innovative techniques and meticulous research, challenging conventional storytelling and offering critical perspectives on society. His works continue to inspire filmmakers, artists, and scholars worldwide, leaving behind a lasting legacy in the world of cinema.

Regular price $33.00