• Tom Sachs - Boom Box Retrospective Exhibition Poster
  • Tom Sachs - Boom Box Retrospective Exhibition Poster
  • Tom Sachs - Boom Box Retrospective Exhibition Poster
  • Tom Sachs - Boom Box Retrospective Exhibition Poster
  • Tom Sachs - Boom Box Retrospective Exhibition Poster
  • Tom Sachs - Boom Box Retrospective Exhibition Poster

Tom Sachs - Boom Box Retrospective Exhibition Poster

24 x 36 Inches

Tom Sachs’ highly personalized use of materials and processes is rooted in bricolage, the construction of art from a range of available, everyday objects, and Boombox Retrospective: 1999-2022 demonstrates the artist’s unique DIY aesthetic, centered on ritual and symbols of power structures within industry and consumer culture. Using a specialized technique and working inventively with a wide range of materials from plywood, foam core, batteries, and duct tape, to rudimentary wires, hot glue, plastic, and solder, the artist and his studio team fabricate and modify new and old, to create obsessed over architectural constructions, which support elaborate home-made pseudo-science, and quasi-religious rituals.

Regular price ¥9,500